Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow...

Yes the title is cheesy but I LOVE IT! Not only because I am a little cheesy in that respect but because it's true on many levels. I know my husband usually laughs more at me than with me at these things but I love that about him. He knows I am a goofball but he loves me to death and even loves my goofy sense of humor. Oh...we'll get to him soon...don't we always?! I have a hard time not raving about him in my posts. I adore him.

Last night I took my daughter, Ava, to go chop off my beautiful, long locks to donate them. It was definitely a labor of love. I was definitely in need of a change so I called yesterday morning and they could get me in at 6pm. Sweet...I'll take it! *hang up* ... *starting to get choked up*...*tears*...Jared looks at me and asks what's wrong. Yeah...I totally gave the 'girl answer' but unfortunately it was so from the heart. We are just built wanting our husbands to think we are beautiful and love us 100%. "What if you don't love me when I don't have my long hair!" *total sobbing mess at this point* Thank you, Lord, that you yoked Jared and I together. I could not have a better partner in life. He reminded me that I have had my hair a million ways. I mean so many different cuts and colors when I was still searching for myself in my hair styles and he loves me for ME not for my hair. When you have a man who is strong enough to take whatever comes at him and still love you for who you are in your soul and not just your appearance it is a very freeing thing! I felt so much better. I still prayed a whole bunch before going. LOL Jared even threw a little prayer in before we ate when we normally say our blessing that I would love my hair and not be stressed about it. I love him!

So the day was going pretty good. I was waiting for Ian to get home. I wasn't feeling great and I was a little agitated by Lia that she decided not to take a nap. I was just wiped out and really was going to take a nap myself while the girls napped and Ian was in school. She is right in the middle of some hardcore teething fit and just really doesn't want to take her afternoon nap which isn't really flying with me. She tried pulling it today and I was NOT having it. I need some mental time if you know what I mean...and I KNOW you do! I won! She is sleeping after consistently putting her back down with her Nuk and blankie (poor Ava slept through all of this)...but back to the subject. I was downstairs, curtains drawn trying to somewhat zone out I suppose you could say. I was watching Take Home Chef since they just added it to Netflix and I used to love watching it. It's awesome to see a chef just walk around the grocery store and grab a couple things and whip something amazing up. LOVE it. Well my doorbell rang as I am watching this dreading what I was going to make for dinner. I have not been feeling well lately having almost a month of mommy playing nurse to sick children is DRAINING! It happened to be a wonderful friend from church who was out of the blue bringing us dinner! Oh thank you, Lord! I can not tell you how amazing that was. What an awesome surprise. Our family is truly blessed by our wonderful church family and if I don't get her recipe for Macaroni and Cheese I may have to hold someone or something hostage. LOL Seriously it was AWESOME! Lia enjoyed having fresh applesauce. It was wonderful. I could go on and on but I won't. Thanks, Miss Nancy!!!!!  (o;

It came time to leave and I had told Ava she could come with me. I thought it might be good so when she needs to get her hair cut she will remember no big deal...I saw mommy get hers cut and no tears. This was a new salon but it was the hairstylist I liked from the last salon I was going to so I decided to go to her new salon. Why not? It wasn't much further and I'm game. Let's do this. So she washed my hair and then made two ponytails since my hair is thick and she said it would save it from being too short. All I am thinking at this point is whatever just cut it off and get this over with...10 inches no more no less quick before I start sobbing or tell her forget it just cut off the dead ends and my poor 3 1/2 year old is scarred for life and never lets me cut her hair because mommy had a melt down. LOL So she did it. TEN INCHES...gone. Like that. Nothing. No big deal. No fan fair. A couple kudos on donating but really that's it. That was easy! It was funny though because Ava was priceless. She kept saying "My mommy's hair is on the floor?! Mommy your hair is all cut off?!" Oh I can't even describe her face it was priceless. Then she even got sparkly princess hair to show daddy. Oh she was in her glory in the salon. She has amazing, curly hair if I do say so myself. She is truly blessed. I don't know if she will keep it but it is my prayer that she does. It is just her personality. Bubbly and sweet just like her bouncy, cute curls. I refuse to let anyone cut it right now. I know eventually she will need to get it cut.

So she gets a lollipop (not does that work????) and I pay so we can go home and see what everyone thinks. I walk through the door and there is Ian playing with Lia on the floor. Ian's face cracked me up. He was smiling ear to ear and screams "DAD....DAAAAAD....COME LOOK AT MOMMY'S HAIR!!!!!" All this time he is yelling for my husband he is smiling. I was cracking up. I asked him if he liked it and he said he loved it. That made me feel good. Then Jared came down and said he really liked it and that it was cute. Score! THEN I look at Lia. She normally greets me with being all happy, smiling, and dancing. She was mute. She stared at me like I was a stranger. She is very quiet and shy with strangers and THAT is exactly how she was looking at me. She would look at me and then look away. WHAT?! I got her to warm up to me after talking and talking and talking to her. She would laugh, start to play with a toy, and then when she looked back at me it was like she totally forgot that mommy's hair was different or that the crazy lady was back and be silent to me again. Jared thought it was funny, of course. She is doing much better today but it was funny. You can definitely get your hair cut so different that even your baby doesn't recognize you. I have found that out first hand. Later when Ian was getting ready for bed I overheard him say to daddy, "She doesn't even look like our mom anymore!" Oh kids are priceless. I love it!

So that's my story and I'm sticking to it!  (o;

I am not a patient person but God taught me patience through this. It was very difficult to wait until my hair was long enough to do this but now I am glad I obeyed. It feels amazing to know I followed what He wanted for me. I felt Him calling me to donate my hair. He blessed me so I can bless others. It meant many, many days of ponytails, static cling, being pinned against the couch or bed because it was stuck behind me, little Lia grabbing and pulling it as hard as she could to tell me how frustrated she was with me that I didn't let her have x y or z that she could totally choke to death on but hey mom it's fun to play with, and of course the wonderful breakage from having my beautiful little baby that I get every time after I have a child as I am sure a good portion of you mom's out there can attest to. I learned through that sometimes things that bring about good are not easy nor are they totally fun in the process. You need patience and you need to trust God in it all. No matter what it is that you feel that He has called you to do.

I just think about these children, who could very well be one of my babies for that matter, and the things that they are suffering through right now. I will never get to meet the child that gets the wig from the hair I donate (gosh this totally makes me choke up) but I know that God knows that child intimately. "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb." Psalm 139:13 (ESV) I may not know this child but God does and He is pleased with my offering not just to this child but to Him. I give Him all the glory in this. Soli Deo Gloria (to God alone be the glory) That makes me feel awesome. We serve a great God!!

I am donating my hair to Locks of Love which is a non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada under age 21 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. If you are interested in donating either your hair or monetarily please click the link and check them out. If you prefer, they do have a really cute Gund Bear right now that has the Locks of Love symbol on it's paw and they have it in pink or brown. I think I might have to get the pink one to commemorate my adventure with Ava. She loves any type of stuffed animal so she would be a happy little camper!

I hope you have a blessed day!

† ·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.· ஐ Rebecca ·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.· ஐ


  1. You look great!! Love the new hair!
    Also, LOVE your blog!
    Thanks for sharing! =)

  2. Love love love your new hair cut! I really enjoy your blog. Keep them coming. ~ Nicole
