My littlest girl, Lia, is getting too big! She just started crawling. I really kept saying I never thought she was going to crawl and that she was a little slower than Ian & Ava in this. Well she just starts to crawl and then decides she wants to pull herself up to her knees. Now she is pulling herself up to a standing position. This little girl wreaks havoc on anything she can get into. She cracks me up. She hasn't even given me a chance to get adjusted from one stage to the next. Baby proofing has gone right out the window! The little tricks we used to use with Ian and Ava do NOT fool this girl. She will find a way to get to whatever she wants and if she is actually thwarted in her plan she throws a little fit. She has quite the temper already. She's going to be a handful I can tell already. She seems to think everything is an adventure. She never cries when going to other people. She clams up is what she does in an almost "...well if I MUST" look as we leave her. She can make the funniest little curls with her tongue. This picture some what captures it. I don't know how she does it but it's funny. Everything this girl does is to try and make someone laugh. She can never seem to get enough of her buddy Ian who will do just about any silly thing to get her to crack up. She is just trying to talk and doing so many things now that I can't wait to see more of her personality come out. I can't imagine not having her in our lives. Ian and Ava treasure her. Ava tells me how beautiful and funny she is.
Ian is going to be 7 years old this year. *Sigh* I wonder how long he will cuddle with me on the couch when the girls are put to bed and call me "My Mama". He's so handsome and growing up too quickly. That seems to be the pace for all of them. I don't like this pace. Don't let his tough exterior fool you. Even though he is all boy and just loves to be rough and tough...he is a very sensitive little guy. I remember when he was upset at daycare with his best little friend Christopher. He was always easy to drop off but the one week not so much. I watched what was going on and his friend Christopher, who was much bigger than Ian would greet him in the morning by saying, "IAN!!!! My little buddy!" It hurt his feelings to have his friend call him little. Oh it broke my heart because I knew why he was upset about being dropped off. I spoke to his teacher and thank the Lord we were going to such a great daycare. They spoke to Christopher about it and the very next day Christopher greeted Ian with, "IAN!!!! My big buddy!" After that Ian loved his daycare again. It's a funny story and I know Ian will probably always be on the shorter side of his peers I want him to know that he has the best personality. He hits the playground and instantly starts rounding up kids to play. They just follow him. He's a born leader. I can see Ian growing up to be a biologist one day. This kid just LOVES science and I just love that he looks at life through the lens of God. He knows all the things he is studying and interested in all come from God. I see amazing things in his future. He is funny and smart but loving and sweet at the same time. He can try and play rough with mommy but as soon as I say 'Ow!' he is asking me if I am ok and telling me he is sorry. I am very proud I have the honor of raising him.
I want to remember when I was finally able to pull up Ava's hair. LOL We waited so long to be able to put her hair in a ponytail from time to time. She has such beautiful curls that I really don't like to pull it up too much but she is so stinkin' cute with her hair up. She looks so big. She looks like me when I was little. I need to get some pics from my mom to load to show you but I see me when I look at her. She has the sweetest, most gentlest spirit I have ever met. She is so adorable and everything is just always so cute to her. She saw a white alligator on Ian's science show he was watching and she thought it was cute and it was a princess alligator because she had a little pink on her. Oh how I love this girl. She makes me melt. I always realize that she is a sensitive little soul and has to be handled as such. One word to her that is a correction sends her to tears. She always wants to please. Jared had to start calling her his curly haired princess because she was kept telling us she wanted long hair down her back. You see her hair when it is wet is down to the middle of her back but she has such beautiful, tight ringlet curls that it doesn't go much past her shoulder and mommy doesn't make it better with my long straight hair. I finally had to explain to her that God made her this way because that is the way He loved to see her. She should love the way she looks because God loves her this way. As soon as she heard her God loved her that way she was good. No more complaining about her hair. PHEW! I love this girl.
Oh to be able to just freeze those moments. I know I can't but I really wish I could. I wish I had a mind like a steel trap but I don't. My mind is more like a sieve. I sit here with tears wondering what other beautiful memories from Ian and Ava have just been lost forever. I am so thankful and blessed for this blog. I want to capture every moment of our lives together. I want to freeze them so we can look back and say "Remember this picture of Lia. She kept pulling herself up onto the entertainment center trying to get super close to Shaun the Sheep."
I love these children. I love God even more for calling me to Him and giving me these children to care for and raise for Him. I am a better person for having known these three little souls. If I died today I can tell you that I am so happy with who they are and the path that they are on. I couldn't be more proud of these kids and my wonderful husband who works so hard to let me be home with them all day long and see just how wonderful & unique all three of them are.
NOW maybe one day in the future we will have another beautiful little soul I can share with you but for now we will have to see what God sends our way. I know I can't wait!!!
I hope you have a blessed day! †
·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.· ஐ Rebecca ·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.· ஐ
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