Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Our littlest girl turns one!

Our littlest girl, Lia, turned one on Saturday. She is one year old. I can't even believe it! Time goes so fast. She has such a wonderful little personality. I love getting to see her personality take shape day by day. We are truly blessed for having this little girl in our life. (o:

Lia's nickname is Dinks or Dinky Dinks. It started off as Stinky Winkers when she was super tiny and spitting up all the time. It evolved into Dinks. She is our little comedian. She likes to smack you in the face but if you pretend to cry she puts her head against your chest to give you a hug and make you feel better. She's a little sweetheart. She only has her two bottom teeth but manages to eat a LOT of stuff with just those two teeth. She is not walking yet but she is practicing standing without holding onto something. I think she will be taking some steps soon and once she does we are in trouble! She likes to try and keep up with her siblings. Lia already gets herself up to the third step on our stairs. We are blessed that she hasn't taken to eating cat or dog food from their bowls although I am sure it's just a matter of time before she experiments. She loves her big brother, sister, and all the wonderful friends she has made in this first year of life.

Lia thoroughly enjoyed her cupcake and ate it like she was a professional. (o;

Lia's friend, Casey, made her this awesome birthday sign. It's so creative!

Here's some cute little tissue paper pom-poms I made to hang around. They were FREE! I always have a ton of tissue paper around. If you want to know how to make these I can post a tutorial. They are easy and super cute for a girl's party. (o:
I didn't go crazy decorating for Lia's birthday BUT I did spend some time making these really cute tissue paper pom-pom flower looking things that I just love. I had more hanging around the house but didn't take pictures. My bad! The ones in the picture above are some of the small ones that I made. I made small ones and a couple of large ones. I can envision having some little tea parties with the girls' friends and decorating with these all over hanging from the ceiling. I can't wait for those days. It's going to be so much fun with these two beautiful little girls.

Her newest bff, Sawyer, had to get in on the action making sure she was all clean during her tubby bath. He proceeded to start drinking the bath water, bubbles and all! Really I think he just wanted to get in there with her and splash around like a nut. We were told he LOVES water! I can't wait to see the kids playing with their pool and squirt guns with him this summer. She loves her tubby baths. I can see her loving the pool this summer, too!

Don't close your eyes for a moment because life passes you by so fast you might miss a moment that you can never get back.

I hope you have a blessed day!

† ·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.· ஐ Rebecca ·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.· ஐ

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